Originally Posted By: AlaMiss
Originally Posted By: ford150man
Yep. Paying for friends.

Typical response from someone that was never in one and I can only guess never had any fun in college. Yep I just made a generalization like you did.

You know what? For the most part, you're right. I was never in one and didn't have a ton of fun during college because I worked in the coal mines during the day and went to school at night, or vice versa, depending on what shift I was in. I used the money I EARNED to send myself to school and came out debt free. I didn't have the luxury of living off daddy's money to go play at school and I was too smart to take out student loans.

Maybe I do have a tainted view on fraternities. It could have something to do with my brother that was in one that nearly drank himself to death during the many required drinking games. Or maybe it has something to do with his fraternity "brothers" trying to convince him, after he got all liquored up, to attempt to jump from one convertible to another while driving down I-65 south. That's when he sobered up real fast and saw that those people didn't have his best interest at heart. When he refused to do it guess what happened? He was shunned by his so called "brothers". He dropped out of the fraternity and all those "great friends" and "brothers" never had another thing to do with him again. Wow, I guess looking at it like that I really did miss out. rolleyes

Last edited by ford150man; 11/06/17 02:41 PM.

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