Originally Posted By: Dallas County
Originally Posted By: Gotcha1
I'm still friends with people I met in college. We hunted together, fished together, got chitfaced together. Still do on the first 2.
I didn't follow the righteous path of becoming a fido, or whatever was laid out for me. They didn't have fratties in the 8th grade at Lanett. BTW, that's as far as my father got. His dad died when he was 7. He went to work real damn young.
Thank goodness, textile wages and an academic scholarship got me through the 4 years.
I was asked to join a frat, but after hearing that they had a special handshake and secret sign, I ran away. (laughing) What was next, a decoder ring? They were even going to bestow a lavaliership on me. Come on, now, I'm a linthead, not aristocracy. What does lavaliered mean anyway. Would I be a diplomat to the Bikini Islands?
And the hell of it was, I graduated even though I spent 4 years in the armpit of the south, Birmingham, Alabama.
Lots of satire here and I'm sure you heroes of the Parthenon will understand.

Just admit you got blackballed laugh

OK. Who told? I knew I should have signed the secrecy agreement. frown

Last edited by Gotcha1; 11/07/17 01:57 AM.

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