Originally Posted By: .308
I hired a guy from talladega back in August to turn 10 acres of 3 year old cut over into pasture. Over all I am pleased with what he accomplished. This was a skidder type with about an 8' head. $250 per hour clearing about an acre per hour. It was instant pasture, the mulch-dirt mixture left behind held the top soil in place & it greened up in just a few days.

The bigger machines definitely have their place. They are made for clearing very large tracks. The skid steer is more maneuverable and can get into places the bigger machines cant. This machine is perfect for shooting lanes, clearing green fields, clearing around farms, clearing house spots, ex. While we were at Outbacks, one of his neighbors wants an area of pines thinned. A larger machine couldn’t do that, So the skid steer mulchers have their place as well, not to mention cheaper to operate than the large machines.

Lone Watie: I'm glad you stopped me when you did. I might have killed her