Originally Posted By: pcamper

Originally Posted By: extreme heights hunter
Originally Posted By: pcamper

Originally Posted By: auburn17
Originally Posted By: extreme heights hunter
$60k-$75k set up?

I would venture to say closer to $90-120k

It depends on your setup, but you are pretty much spot on...

Which one?

A new set up like we have would run a little over $100k. The Kubota SVL-95 is around $75k alone, Depending on the brand of mulcher, they start at about $28k and go to about $32k. This doesnt account a tow vehicle and trailer, A good tow trailer like a 20ton big Tex is around $10k, a decent tow vehicle can spend whatever you want. These units are very expensive to operate, the teeth on these machines run about $2,500-3,000. This is why they cost so much per hour. We charge $125 per hour with a 4 hour minimum , that is the cheapest Ive seen for Forestry Mulching. Ive seen it as high as $200 per hour for set ups like ours. Ive also seen people charge a “delivery fee” and 8 hour minimum.
$125 an hr, why sell yourself short?