Originally Posted By: pcamper

Originally Posted By: hawgwild
Originally Posted By: pcamper

Originally Posted By: extreme heights hunter
Originally Posted By: pcamper

Originally Posted By: auburn17
Originally Posted By: extreme heights hunter
$60k-$75k set up?

I would venture to say closer to $90-120k

It depends on your setup, but you are pretty much spot on...

Which one?

A new set up like we have would run a little over $100k. The Kubota SVL-95 is around $75k alone, Depending on the brand of mulcher, they start at about $28k and go to about $32k. This doesnt account a tow vehicle and trailer, A good tow trailer like a 20ton big Tex is around $10k, a decent tow vehicle can spend whatever you want. These units are very expensive to operate, the teeth on these machines run about $2,500-3,000. This is why they cost so much per hour. We charge $125 per hour with a 4 hour minimum , that is the cheapest Ive seen for Forestry Mulching. Ive seen it as high as $200 per hour for set ups like ours. Ive also seen people charge a “delivery fee” and 8 hour minimum.
$125 an hr, why sell yourself short?

When we bought this mulcher head we started doing work lower than anybody else to get going. Once we got going, people just seemed to appreciate a lower price so we just stuck with it. Kinda sounds corny but I enjoy meeting and talking with people, doing a good job at a good price. So far, that route has worked out good for us.
I enjoy going out and meeting people as well, but I've also got a very expensive piece of equipment, truck, trailer, fuel,etc. to pay for. The market in most places is set at a higher rate than $125 per hr. The forestry mulching business has been saturated here lately, and the rates are paying the price. I'm getting $150+ per hour and staying back logged. Why would you leave money on the table?