Originally Posted By: Out back
Originally Posted By: poorcountrypreacher

Is it possible?

Steve, that Kubota Jon's got is 95 hp and the bulk of it dedicated to the cutter.
I'm afraid even your tractor would be underpowered for the mulcher.

Then I just need a smaller mulching head. Does anyone make one that will run off 75 hp?

The Bible says that in the latter days old men will dream dreams. That's what happening here. smile

Still, looks to me like a drawbar mounted high flow pump and head designed to attach to the fel and it would work. Not as fast as a machine like PC has, but I got plenty of time to go slow. I owned a dozer with no cage so I am already good at dodging limbs. I've had several that attacked me like a wild animal, but I always prevailed.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.