Steve, that Kubota Jon's got is 95 hp and the bulk of it dedicated to the cutter.
I'm afraid even your tractor would be underpowered for the mulcher.
Then I just need a smaller mulching head. Does anyone make one that will run off 75 hp?
The Bible says that in the latter days old men will dream dreams. That's what happening here.

Still, looks to me like a drawbar mounted high flow pump and head designed to attach to the fel and it would work. Not as fast as a machine like PC has, but I got plenty of time to go slow. I owned a dozer with no cage so I am already good at dodging limbs. I've had several that attacked me like a wild animal, but I always prevailed.
What you want to do is possible, just not practical. Think of Forest Gump, "Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time".
You can get a PTO driven pump and mount one to your front end loader. The issue is protection. You would have to build a window (we use bullet resistant Lexan on our CTL doors) and frame up something to hold it. That drum is spinning 1000's of rpm and shooting pieces of debris off at hundreds of MPH. You can dodge bullets as easy as you could that.
By the time you buy the cutter and pump and fabricate your protection you could pay to have what you want to do 3 or 4 times.
Look up a company called Lane Shark. It's a guy in Milton FL who makes a loader mounted 42" cutter head that mounts either flat or at a 90* angle. It will run off the remote on your tractor. It won't cut the same size material or nearly as fast, but I think you alluded to having a little extra time.
That machine will do what you want, but is still dangerous. If you ran it in the flat position and cut something head high it could still throw something back THROUGH you, as well as at you.