Originally Posted By: James
Originally Posted By: GomerPyle
This kinda goes back to my thread about kids killing their first deer and starting them too young. I know every kid matures at a different level, but these kids need to have the safety aspects pounded into them before they start handling a gun. Some may be ready at an early age, some may not be ready until they're teenagers. Some, based on my experience at the public range sunday, should NEVER be turned loose with a firearm.
One of the Reasons why i disagree with the hunter safety course being taken soley online now. Some kids are fortunate enough to learn from home, but then there's some (I know a few of them) that has parents that scare the hell out of me, because they know absolutely nothing (But think do) about firearms.

I taught hunter Ed for a few years, the original classroom course. Many of the parents would stay and participate with their kids. Lots of them seemed to learn as much as the kids. Likewise, I learned things from them as well, it was valuable interaction.

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