Originally Posted By: GomerPyle
This kinda goes back to my thread about kids killing their first deer and starting them too young. I know every kid matures at a different level, but these kids need to have the safety aspects pounded into them before they start handling a gun. Some may be ready at an early age, some may not be ready until they're teenagers. Some, based on my experience at the public range sunday, should NEVER be turned loose with a firearm.

Good post.

American society/culture is very competitive, radically individualistic and obsessed with one upsmanship. This bleeds over to people taking their kids hunting when they are way too little to be going hunting.

That probably has little to do with this tragic story of the 15 year old girl, but clearly someone did not know and follow basic firearm safety.

"The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson

" Chuck Sykes is a dictator control freak like Vladimir Putin " WmHunter