Originally Posted By: timbercruiser
Jimbo has something like a $49 million buyout, ain't nobody gonna pay that.

That's if FSU fires him. If he walks then it is much less, something around $5M+

Buyout if Fisher leaves: If he elects to leave, Fisher’s buyout is now the sum of all monies remaining on the contracts of his assistant coaches not retained by the university.

So, for example, if Fisher leaves, and the university retains none of ten coaches each making $500,000 on one-year deals, Fisher would owe the school $5M within 30 days. Given that many assistants are employed on two- or three-year contracts, it’s likely that this buyout number could be in the $10-15M range.

Last edited by Dustin; 11/22/17 11:38 AM. Reason: Added clause information

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