"and this I would have to chose between 2 people I didnt like."

Well in every freaking election since Ronald freaking Reagan, Ive had to vote for some arsehat I didnt like..as there ARE ONLY 2 FREAKING CHOICES!

One will have an R after his name, the other a D.

One will be for conservative values, anti abortion, smaller govt, lower taxes, fighting terror and enforcing our laws especially on our border. He will have a freaking R after his name.

The other will be for bigger govt, pro abortion, keeping govt healthcare, letting in freaking t e r rorists and illegal immigrants.

Easy to locate on the ballot..he will have a "D" after his name.

Is it really so hard to figure out??

Heck, YOU dont HAVE to like a freaking candidate. I wouldnt hang out with any of these azzhat politicians..ever!

But IT IS NOT ABOUT A CANDIDATE! It is about THE DIRECTION of our country!

I didnt like the Bush's, EITHER one.

I didnt like Freaking Mc Cain,

I certainly didnt like Romney..but I STILL VOTED FOR THEM ALL.

Why, because I understand politics and know that there are ONLY 2 freaking choices..REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRAT.

IT IS NOT about the candidate. Its about the POLITICAL PARTY of the candidate and HOW THEY WILL VOTE or lead our country.

Some of yall think its about a FREAKING PERSON??? really?

Take some dam political science classes if you still havent figured out how our government works ok???

Last edited by outdoorobsession; 12/13/17 05:32 AM.