I understand what y'all are saying about not voting. I get the argument. What I don't get is how y'all think there is no greater consequence.
By not voting you are allowing others to decide your ultimate fate. In the end it comes down to a simple principle. You will either participate in the decision or that decision will be made for you.
There is nothing else to it. There is NO THIRD OPTION. You will live by the rules.
So let's take a small thing like they can't confirm a Supreme Court Justice because Doug is going to vote with the Dems. Now that ends in a liberal justice getting appointed. And from that point until the day that Justice dies they are going to further the left's agenda to promote abortion at any time up until birth.
And that by your own admission is one of your biggest issues.
In my opinon.... YOU and those like you guys who did not vote are responsible for that.
It's that simple. I'm not mad at you and I'm not going to call you names and belittle y'all on here but I really don't understand how ya'll don't get that. How can people who have a strong opinion, usually conservative... who don't vote because they don't like the Candidates reconcile that I will never understand.
The Democrats they don't do this in my opinion. They go vote.
Last edited by Goatkiller; 12/13/17 05:43 AM.