Originally Posted By: outdoorobsession
Originally Posted By: GomerPyle
Originally Posted By: NWALJM
I did not vote yesterday. I'm sure plenty here feel that is the worst thing a person could do, and I understand that. I used to feel that way too. But here's why I did not vote. First of all, I am a Christian and I hold to the convictions of my faith strongly. I have never believed that Roy Moore's antics (going back to the 10 Commandments issue) were rooted in his deep commitment to his faith or his convictions. I have always believed it was grand-standing for political gain. Doing that is essentially whoring out Christianity for your own needs, wants, or desires. Even before all of the alleged stuff with being a creep toward teen girls years ago, I did not feel good about voting for him.

Doug Jones, it is very simple. The man is running for office for a party that openly embraces murder of unborn children, and he himself supports it. I will not ever vote for a candidate that is tied to that.

So, I was left with choosing to vote between 2 candidates who both violated my faith-based convictions or writing in a candidate, which is waste of time. I believe that holding strongly to my convictions is more honorable than going to place a vote for someone who violates them. I understand that men have fought and died in battle over the centuries to preserve our way of life that includes freedom to vote that some nations do not have. I'm sure those same men did not also wish to fight and die so that their fellow countrymen years later would have to decide between candidates that both violate their consciences and convictions.

I will also add, that I will NEVER vote for someone who violates my convictions just to push a political party through. If the Republicans want my vote, stop putting terrible candidates out. That's my message.

This is how I feel as well, as I've posted more than once. Some "get it", some don't. Neither side will ever convince the other side that their philosophy is right. But, like you, I refuse to vote for someone who, as you say, "violates my convictions", and no about of verbal abuse or criticism from the ones who don't "get it" is going to change that. Like the song says, "you've got to stand for something".

I guess you stand for getting nothing done, keeping Obamacare, not getting a wall built...basically wasting getting Trump in office and more resistance.

Yall are a bunch of freaking dumbarses for sure.

Trump has a Republican majority in the Senate and the House and they have yet to pass a meaningful piece of legislation. The Obama care repeal has failed miserably.

Y’all really still think that wall is gonna get built???? Never going to happen.