Originally Posted By: GomerPyle
Originally Posted By: SouthBamaSlayer

Originally Posted By: GomerPyle
There is no proof, obviously, but I actually think the allegations helped Moore. They were never going to seriously hurt him because there was no proof and even the rumors were shaky at best. But what it did was take the focus off the real issues that made him unelectable. Without the Sexual Harassment allegations, I honestly think it wouldn't have been as close as it was.

Without the allegations, any republican candidate wipes the floor with Jones.

I disagree, but again, no real sense in arguing over it since there is no way to prove it one way or another.

Right, no way to prove either way but one thing that is not in doubt is that the Democratic party smelled blood, energized their base and got people to vote. It took a strong effort on their part and a bad candidate on the Republican side and it was still a close race. The Republicans need to learn a lesson from this fiasco.

Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.