To everyone trying to change the non-voters minds, you are wasting key strokes. Just a PSA.
It's about as tough as changing a Trump supporter's mind about Trump
So you dont like Trump either? Did you vote for Hillary then?
No because that would be inconsistent with everything I've just said. I wrote-in Evan McMullin.
you idiots who write people in are as dumb as a bag of rocks.
How many of your "Write ins" won?? EVER?
Oh thats right..NONE!
Once again, you fail to understand the entire point of why we vote for a write-in candidate.
If the Republican Party and Trump want me to vote for their candidate so their agenda will be pushed through, then give me someone I can vote for. Period. You can laugh, call people stupid, call people names all you want. But you're doing nothing but making yourself look like a bitter, angry d-bag to everyone who disagrees with your point of view.
No, it makes me look like a REALIST, not a D bag,..and you look like an Idealist who doesnt understand reality.
( and yes..A D BAG, and a dumbarse since you wanted to call names Jr)
NO WRITE ins WIN..ever.
So youre not voting for someone to WIN an election, but to make yourself FEEL good emotionally over your perceived moral superiority that you..STOOD ON PRINCIPLE..though your candidate stood a snowballs chance in hell of winning.
Yea,..that makes perfect sense.
And Im not angry. I just cant understand stupidity.
I didnt like Moore either. I didnt like Trump either..I was a CRUZ supporter.
But there are only 2 CHOICES on a TICKET after the PRIMARY who are going to an R , one a D. And they were chosen by the MAJORITY of voters of each party.
So in both elections I voted for trump, and then they were the ONLY REPUBLICAN CHOICES.
For some reason you cannot fathom the REALITY of keep on writing in Mickey Mouse!
By the way, I have taken Poli Sci courses and UNDERSTAND how the political system works. I can tell that you HAVE NOT, you are clueless.