To everyone trying to change the non-voters minds, you are wasting key strokes. Just a PSA.
It's about as tough as changing a Trump supporter's mind about Trump
So you dont like Trump either? Did you vote for Hillary then?
No because that would be inconsistent with everything I've just said. I wrote-in Evan McMullin.
you idiots who write people in are as dumb as a bag of rocks.
How many of your "Write ins" won?? EVER?
Oh thats right..NONE!
Once again, you fail to understand the entire point of why we vote for a write-in candidate.
If the Republican Party and Trump want me to vote for their candidate so their agenda will be pushed through, then give me someone I can vote for. Period. You can laugh, call people stupid, call people names all you want. But you're doing nothing but making yourself look like a bitter, angry d-bag to everyone who disagrees with your point of view.