Originally Posted By: R_H_Clark
Originally Posted By: HippieKiller

Originally Posted By: William
This is the worst kind of logic. I hear it the most since I'm a Libertarian and either write-in or vote directly for a third party in nearly every election. Let me explain to you why you're wrong.....

I voted for Ron Bishop yesterday in the Alabama election. I literally wrote, Ron Bishop (Libertarian), on my ballot. I know this because it was me that did it. Now, here's the hard part, that vote was actually for Ron Bishop and NOT whomever you did not want to win that won. This seems to be a hard concept for some to grasp. I think it has to do with the logical fallacy that there are really only two choices and a choice for anything other than those two perceived choices are actually a vote against which ever choice you have chosen.

I hope this has helped you. In the future, instead of belittling or attempting to guilt third party voters into voting for your candidate, might I suggest running candidates for office that don't suck balls? Roy Moore is the creepiest of creeps and twice removed religious zealot judge. He's a clown of the first order that I wouldn't elect to Dog Catcher in Jasper, Al.

I too wrote in Ron Bishop & agree with your statement 100%.

Nope. The ignorant thing is to think that there is a third possibility. What I hate is that most write in voters agree with republican principals much more than democrat principals but they somehow can't see that by writing in a third party they actually helped to advance the principals they want to stand against. It's like cutting off your nose just to spite your face.

When that nose is a cancerous tumor that stands to taint the entire body, then yep... lop it on off.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson