Originally Posted By: abolt300
You also just saw the Democraps open up their playbook on how they intend to fight Republicans in the upcoming mid-terms. Mark my words, the sexual harassment allegation, with absolutely zero definitive proof, worked so well to divide the stupid Republicans, that are too stubborn to realize that there are only 2 votes that count in US elections. You either vote for the Republican or the Democrat. You will see this play out again and again in closely contested seats in the mid-terms. Pay a couple women to make claims, peel off the stupid Repubs and Libertarian votes that are too dumb acknowledge the tactic being used, and squeak in a win for the Dem candidate.

All this Libertarian talk is BS. Sure you might peal off some of the disgruntled Repub voting base but the Democraps will 100% stick together on all issues and especially in election battles and all you will do is divide the Repub vote and help the Democraps get elected. If you are conservative on any issue, by any definition, you need to just hold your nose and vote straight Repub. If you cannot see that, you are too stupid to vote.

Good post.

I was going to point that out also: the sexual misconduct/harassment will now be like the race card.
Count on it. Any Republican from henceforth will be subject to having a bs ancient claim of sexual abuse/misconduct made up out of thin air used against them. And the Atheist Left will pile on with the race card (like they did with Moore - accusing him of being a George Wallace segregationist).
If it can be a 40 year old story and beat Moore, it will be effective on GOP/conservative voters in any political race till Kingdom come.

"The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson

" Chuck Sykes is a dictator control freak like Vladimir Putin " WmHunter