This isn't a court. No one has sworn to tell the truth under penalty of perjury, we just have a couple people, some with an axe to grind against Moore, and some just looking to get some attention, and some who just like to let everyone know they have insider info, and some who are probably just unstable pawns. There is no jury to be held accountable only public opinion which you know is a lot easier to manipate than a jury. Let them testify in court and I will give it some weight.

Originally Posted By: doekiller
Originally Posted By: brim54
So let me get this straight in todays times you can accuse whoever you want for whatever with no actual proof and ruin their career. Welcome to new age politics this will happen again I can almost assure you. We all know if it wasn't for the allegations of those women we wouldn't even be having this conversation Moore would have won by 25-30 points. Let me say I voted for the Republican party even though Moore wasn't my choice because I just cant see how you could ever call yourself a conservative republican and ever vote for someone like Doug Jones and the things he believes in.

Let me explain this for everyone who seems to think there is no proof.

In a court of law, a victim's testimony is usually the only evidence in sexual abuse cases. A victim's testimony is the best evidence in a criminal case. Eye witness and victim testimony has sent more people to prison than any other type evidence.