Originally Posted By: R_H_Clark
Originally Posted By: bruceleejones2

Originally Posted By: TCEncore308
The ones who voted for Moore in the primaries deserve the blame.

The sad irony is that this ^^^^^ right here is what put a damned democrat in office.

No,what put the democrat in office is everyone who blamed someone else for the state of things and took no personal responsibility for doing what needed doing.

"It was their fault for running Moore" is just a cop out of personal responsibility.

Jeez, the postings get more crazy here.

Moore lost because:

1. an 11th hour bogus sexual abuse allegation and because over $50 MILLION dollars of TV and Radio and mail out ads were made hammering those false allegations 24/7 non stop for the last six weeks. And all that money came from NYC, Los Angeles and Chicago.

2. the Dems successfully played the race card and made black voters think it was a life and death election. Obama (robocalls and mailouts) and a lot of other black heavy hitter politicos campaigned all over the black parts of the state and were successful in getting a very very high black turn out - probably quadruple the white turnout by percentages.

3. Sen. Shelby came out against Moore and told people to vote a write in candidate - and a whopping 2% of those who did vote did so.

Those are the 3 reasons Jones won by less that 21,000 votes.

And we could add that 2 million (primarily white) voters did not vote at all.

"The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson

" Chuck Sykes is a dictator control freak like Vladimir Putin " WmHunter