To do that, Narrow Gap, the onus is on Moore to sue them to prove the allegations.
He has yet to do that. If he fails to sue the women or Washington Post about their claims then little else is to be said.
Either sue, begin the discovery process under oath and then get into court if need be to see it to the end. Or be considered a sick pervy creep who when he was in his 30s was chasing teenagers and did what they say he did.
It's that simple. But it's on Moore to make the next move - suing them to prove their allegations are true.
As a public figure Roy Moore CANNOT win a libel case.
All the WPost has to say is that they only reported what the two accusers said = summary judgment for the WPost.
The two accusers would have absolutely no money to ever collect a judgment on.
And there would never even be a unanimous jury verdict in any lawsuit against those two accusers.