Originally Posted By: canvasback

Originally Posted By: woodsnwater

Originally Posted By: canvasback

Originally Posted By: mike35549
Originally Posted By: canvasback
I am one of the asswipes that stayed home. Moore is a joke and couldn't vote for the guy. So he will hopefully ride off into the sunset on his stupid horse and never get involved in politics again....and we all know that ain't gonna happen...ugh. Oh.....I am also a proud Democrat

There you go fixed it for you.

Wrong....registered republican. But I don't blindly vote for every republican.

You should, Dems will blindly vote against everything you believe in. That is, if you really are a Republican. You can't vote for the man anymore, you have to vote for the party. This is what it has come to... us v/s them. period. I can't believe you haven't figured this out by now.

I get what your saying, I do get it. But in this case, my dislike of Roy Moore was too much. I couldn't hold my nose and vote for him. And to think all the crap that the ethics people in the senate would throw at him to get him out. Also, had he won he would be running again in 2020....no thanks, get a better candidate for 2020 and Jones will be voted out....no doubt.

Um guess what? I was HOPING hed get thrown out AFTER being elected.

Then the governor would appoint another republican to take his seat!

Most people with any modicum of common sense knew that.

But guess what..he had to be elected first.

Now another liberal democrat is in that seat voting against any deviation from the path set by Obozo and the dems.

Really..I sometimes wonder how stupid some folks are that cant figure that simple point out.

Why do you people feel like you have to "LIKE" a freaking politician. It is silly.

You are not going to hang out with them.

They are a TOOL to get a conservative agenda through legislation..nothing more.

You guys act like your marrying the sonofabitch. That you have to "feel for the guy", and you have to"like him" and stuff.

Thats just ridiculous.

i didnt like the idiot at all, but Ill be damned if he wouldnt be voting for things that I AGREE with and thats ALL THAT MATTERS so I MADE time in my day to vote to make America Great again! slap

Last edited by outdoorobsession; 12/13/17 12:02 PM.