OK,..and here is my problem.
I can tell a lot of you younger guys just dont get it but you will.
A couple of the other older guys have pmmed me with the same feeling.
Its pretty simple. I worked hard my whole life. Never took one cent of Government money..not a penny.
I always had a job or I was running a business. I put myself through college working 2 jobs..no grants from the government either.
Im not complaining..just stating facts.
Now Im in my late 50's and saving for retirement. My wife and I stuck to a budget, saved, invested and did everything we could to retire at 65.
Not too unreasonable to ask right?
It included banking $25,000- 30,000 a year so we could use it as we got older in retirement. We budgeted accordingly, spent accordingly, and saved accordingly .
Now that whole idea and budget is phucked!
Why, because of something WE did? Heck no.
Due to Obozocare.
Our healthcare was always around $500 per month. We got plans in that range so we COULD SAVE FOR OUR OLDER YEARS.
Now it $2400 a damn month. $22,800 more a year!
And guess where that extra $22,800 comes from....?
The dam $25,000 - $30,000 a year we were saving for retirement. So now we have to WORK AT LEAST EIGHT MORE years to retire because we cannot bank that amount!
Ill be 73!
Instead now, some non working freeloaders are getting "FREE" Health care. Yea, Its free to THEM, but not a whole bunch of the rest of us that are paying 5 times what we used to.
Now yall dont mind now, yall arent paying it..but I laugh at that.
Youll make enough money and then youll see the big bill coming in every month.
Way higher then any dam house mortage. that $2400 per month covers the mortgage on a $750,000 HOUSE!
If its gone this bad this quick, you guys are gonna be paying more. A WHOLE LOT more.
Youll be spending $2-3000 a month soon yourselves just for healthcare you dont even use.
And then..ON TOP OF that..you get your federal tax bill..in the 5 figures too.
But guess what?
You will all be paying alot more then that. In 30 years I guarantee you guys will be 70% of your income to support freeloaders that dont work.
You guys dont get it now, but you will believe me.
But guess what again...by that time it will be too late. Progressivism NEVER recedes..ever..it just keeps inching further along..Progressing.
Trumps election was enough of us paying way too much saying WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH!
But doesnt matter as some people think an election is about LIKING SOMEONE.
You younger guys will be the ones paying off this huge 20 trillion dollar deficit..so to be honest..yall deserve the government youll get.