Originally Posted By: Clem
The dam $25,000 - $30,000 a year we were saving for retirement. So now we have to WORK AT LEAST EIGHT MORE years to retire because we cannot bank that amount!

Ill be 73!

You're not the Lone Ranger, brother. Retiring at 62 or even 65 is a pipe dream. frown

And thats the problem.

That used to be the WAY America worked.

The American dream.

You do right, you work hard and retire at 65 to enjoy your golden years.

Now we have a bunch of guys and gals that retired at 20...because they dont freaking work.
They just live off the system. Off OUR Social Security we paid for 40 years..when they NEVER PAID a cent as theyve NEVER freaking worked?!!

Social Security is supposed to be broke by the time I get to collect it. What happened to MY "Social Security" after I get old?

All this "Free food, housing, doctors, phones, utilities, healthcare, computers and welfare money"?

Well it isnt freaking free. A lot of us paid our whole lives for these folks to get it. Over 40 years paying in for me! At combined SS and Medi = 15.3% of pay a week. Over 15% of my life time earnings.

Id have done MUCH better keeping it and investing it myself! It would be well over a million dam dollars towards my retirement. Not the measly monthly stipend Social Security will start paying me at 65.

But the part that really gets me is it is NOTHING to what it will be in 20 -30 years. When a lot of these same guys are 50-60 year olds and trying to plan for their later years.

Then youll see all these guys that wanted to LIKE their politician, and "feel Good " about voting for them will be paying the piper..AND THEY DESERVE it.

They wont be retiring until their old and broken. By then theyll be Paying over 50-60% taxes AND paying off the 20 trillion national debt.

And I guarantee they wont be liking it one bit.

To succeed in America these days means you just have to PAY more of your money for lazy arse SOBs who want everything for free, and ARE GETTING IT due to liberal progressives.

Thats not the America I know.

Thats more like the Socialist countries I visit..because after SEEING SOCIALISM and COMMUNISM first hand..I knew I didnt want to live there.

looks like I will be living in a socialist utopia anyway.

So all the BS we were fed in our younger days about working hard, supporting yourself, not taking govt money and saving and planning, paying into SS and Medicare..doing things RIGHT. That "it isnt what can your country do for you..but what you can do for your country"....it all turns out to be a big arse ponzi scheme.

And all these young guys will see it when THEY get older..but much worse then even us.

You cant say we DID NOT TRY TO WARN them.

Last edited by outdoorobsession; 12/13/17 01:05 PM.