Originally Posted By: jbc
Originally Posted By: abolt300
Originally Posted By: canvasback

Originally Posted By: woodsnwater

Originally Posted By: canvasback

Originally Posted By: mike35549
Originally Posted By: canvasback
I am one of the asswipes that stayed home. Moore is a joke and couldn't vote for the guy. So he will hopefully ride off into the sunset on his stupid horse and never get involved in politics again....and we all know that ain't gonna happen...ugh. Oh.....I am also a proud Democrat

There you go fixed it for you.

Wrong....registered republican. But I don't blindly vote for every republican.

You should, Dems will blindly vote against everything you believe in. That is, if you really are a Republican. You can't vote for the man anymore, you have to vote for the party. This is what it has come to... us v/s them. period. I can't believe you haven't figured this out by now.

I get what your saying, I do get it. But in this case, my dislike of Roy Moore was too much. I couldn't hold my nose and vote for him. And to think all the crap that the ethics people in the senate would throw at him to get him out. Also, had he won he would be running again in 2020....no thanks, get a better candidate for 2020 and Jones will be voted out....no doubt.

You do understand how this works dont you?? If the senate refused to seat him (which they in all honesty most likely would have done) or if the ethics committee forced his resignation, then the Republican Gov of Alabama gets a free pick of her choice to fill his, then vacated spot. We would have ended up with a better person than Moore in the seat and it would have stayed Republican instead of shifting to that DA ultra liberal democrat Jones who can now help obstruct anything that the Republicans will be trying to pass for the next 2 years. You're a genius. Really glad you put so much thought into your actions.

No chance they would have gotten 67/100 votes to vacate his position (to my understanding that’s what it would take)

Every single democrat and 19 semi liberal Rhino obstructionist repubs??? They wouldnt even have needed a test vote. It was a done deal.