#1 show me where he was ever convicted of a crime.
You can't, he has never been convicted of any crime, so your statement about that is just plain stupid.
#2 you make valid points about the deficit, national debt and foreign wars problem - but you seem to be unaware that it is the RINO Establishment Republicans that are equally responsible with the Democrats in regards to those things. The actual true conservative Repubs like Moore would be against those things. That is why RINO Establishment Repubs were against Moore. Moore is a small government conservative.
#3 saying that liberal Democrat Jones is the same as a Roy Moore or other any real conservative is sheer lunacy.
#4 and I would like to see where Moore and Jones have the same position on any issue.
Alabama Judicial Review of Moore's Second Removal Summarized:
In a 50-page judgment Friday, two days after Moore appeared for a hearing in the case, Alabama’s Court of the Judiciary found him guilty of failing to comply with the law, uphold the integrity of the court and “perform the duties of his office impartially.”
Moore is a small government conservative.
Sure he is. Which is why he was using his office as Judge to push his religious beliefs on everyone instead of performing his duties. Small gov't doesn't dictate to me who can and who can't get married. Small gov't doesn't put religious tenets in the front of a secular court room. He's a big gov't Republican using gov't to dictate his ideals.
#3 saying that liberal Democrat Jones is the same as a Roy Moore or other any real conservative is sheer lunacy.
#4 and I would like to see where Moore and Jones have the same position on any issue.
Patriot Act. Deficit spending. Increasing military budgets. Interventionist foreign policies. Continuing the War on Drugs. Civil Asset Forfeiture. They are far more alike than not especially on the issues I care about.
I keep hoping at some point everyone else will realize what's going on. The Rs and Ds are the same damn thing. Reminds me of a bunch of Auburn and Bama fans arguing. The whole time we get further into debt, lose more of our freedoms, and enter more foreign conflicts.
Oh, and I disagree on 95% of all of Doug Jones's positions on everything.
That was not a CONVICTION of a CRIME.
You said he was a "criminal".
Which you know is incorrect.
That removal was based on his order to probate judges to not start issuing sodmomite marriage licenses because the Obergfell decision was not a final decision and there were unresolved legal questions pertaining to that case and its application to Alabama given Alabama's constitution which forbids same sex marriage.
Moore did the right thing by telling folks to hold off and wait and see how the sodomite marriage thing was going to turn out.
Which has nothing to do with being a "criminal" as you falsely stated in you original post.
Next, you have OBVIOUSLY NEVER READ one single court opinion/decision issued by Judge Moore (or any other Alabama Supreme Court decision) because if you had you would see that he has never tried to force his religious views on anyone in any court decision issued by him.
He was an excellent jurist and it was clear that he was never beholden or partisan to either side in court cases and, unlike a majority of the Alabama Supreme Court, was not owned by the Business Council of Alabama and was never a plaintiff lawyer/trial lawyer crony either.
Frankly, what you are really saying, whether you realize it or not, is that you AGREE with the radical atheist Left FORCING their Atheism and Satanism on this entire country via bs bogus radical Left judicial activism.
If we had a Governor and Attorney General with brains and balls they would have declared the homo marriage ruling a nullity on Alabama soil.
Applying your reasoning above it would also be clear that you disagree with the Founding Fathers and the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.