Originally Posted By: CatHeadBiscuit
Originally Posted By: TexasNative
Originally Posted By: WmHunter

That removal was based on his order to probate judges to not start issuing sodmomite marriage licenses because the Obergfell decision was not a final decision and there were unresolved legal questions pertaining to that case and its application to Alabama given Alabama's constitution which forbids same sex marriage.

A. The SCOTUS ruling was a final decision. The only way to overturn it would be for Congress to do so. Until then, Moore was obligated to carry out that decision. He refused and was removed. Case closed.

B. SCOTUS rulings on US Constitutional law will over ride Alabama Constitutional law. Always has, always will.

Tell that A & B BS to Californians loosing their 2A rights. States rights only apply when liberals want them to. Others desiring the same are labeled seditionists or similar. It’s just Kruschev’s predictions coming true. The communists and socialist know they can’t conquer us. So they started in the 50’s and 60’s turning colleges into bastions of socialist dogma. Now we are reaping the seeds sown 60 or so years ago.

Outdoor speaks truth.

Too bad there are so many FAKE CONSERVATIVES out there.

"The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson

" Chuck Sykes is a dictator control freak like Vladimir Putin " WmHunter