#1 it was NOT a final decision when CJ Moore issued the hold off order to probate judges. - Then why was he removed?
#2 you do not even know what a "final decision" is when it comes to appellate court cases. Obergefell v. Hodges was a Supreme Court ruling which is legally binding as a final decision. There are no other legal appeals.
#3 SCOTUS rulings per the Founding Fathers were never intended to be the final say so on the U.S. Constitution - - you are totally BRAINWASHED -- and seriously wimpy too btw. I guess if SCOTUS said that Satanism was the official national religion and Christianity was abolished you would obey and follow that too. SMDHID. Marbury v Madison (1803) gave that power to the Supreme Court. That power has yet to be rescinded by Congress. SCOTUS would never name an official religion as they understand that silly part about Separation of Church and State. Keep trying.
Last edited by TexasNative; 12/15/17 11:31 AM. Reason: misspelled word