#1 it was NOT a final decision when CJ Moore issued the hold off order to probate judges. - Then why was he removed?
#2 you do not even know what a "final decision" is when it comes to appellate court cases. Obergefell v. Hodges was a Supreme Court ruling which is legally binding as a final decision. There are no other legal appeals.
#3 SCOTUS rulings per the Founding Fathers were never intended to be the final say so on the U.S. Constitution - - you are totally BRAINWASHED -- and seriously wimpy too btw. I guess if SCOTUS said that Satanism was the official national religion and Christianity was abolished you would obey and follow that too. SMDHID. Marbury v Madison (1803) gave that power to the Supreme Court. That power has yet to be rescinded by Congress. SCOTUS would never name an official religion as they understand that silly part about Separation of Church and State. Keep trying.
You keep proving your total ignorance of basic civics.
#1. the Obergfell case was not a FINAL DECISION UNTIL AFTER all the applications for rehearing had been filed, heard, and then a final ruling made on those applications and THEN NOT UNTIL a certain specific time had passed per SCOTUS procedural rules AND THEN a "Mandate" is issued by SCOTUS and it is not until the mandate issues that the appellate case becomes a final decision by the appellate court. The appellate courts in Alabama have similar rules of procedure.
>>>so you are wrong on #1.
#2. Moore was removed for actions he took long before the mandate was issued, and even a lot of liberal legal scholars did not disagree with his reasons for the probate judge hold off order re issuing "licenses" to sodomites and lesbos.
#3. Most lawyers and judges in this state are atheist, just as most college professors and journalists are atheist, secularist and Leftist. That is the case with the Alabama State Bar and the JIC.
#4. Marbury v. Madison was bs then and bs now.
The Founding Fathers warned against a federal "judicial oligarchy" and that is exactly what we have in this country.
When it comes to things such as abortion, sodomite/lesbian marriage and adoption, pornography, >> and the construction of the Commerce Clause, the Founding Fathers would say that it would have to be up to the Congress and especially the individual sovereign states (that created the federal government in the first place)(most folks forget that) to decide what the Constitution is and say and requires.
We cannot have a situation where 9 people act like God for the whole country on items like that.
On basic ordinary cases, sure, which is 99% of cases, but some things are so huge and fundamental that the Founding Fathers envisioned that the states that created the Federal government would have the final say so.
That is something the people need to be aware of and realize that we cannot have a sane society otherwise.
Ironically, what we have is the FORCED joinder of radical atheism, secularism and Satanism upon society by these radical Left federal judges.
>>and wimpy brain dead cowards like you would have the entire country BOW DOWN to that. As if the SCOTUS is some kind of god and false idol.
Btw, this has nothing to do with "separation of church and state", a phrase that does not exist in the Constitution, but one which atheist Bolsheviks love to parrot around. Ironically, what we have is the forced joinder of radical atheism and Satanism forced on the country by unelected federal judges, something you clearly approve of.