Originally Posted By: centralala
Originally Posted By: ikillbux
I'll always say this every chance I get when this topic is presented:

Percentage-wise, virtually nobody is reporting (I'd guess 5% to 15% "maybe"), and even though this will sound contradictory, I think the deer herd is in grave danger. Nowhere that I hunt has even remotely as many deer as it used to. My overall Alabama hunting experience these days is very close to causing me to lose interest. The return on investment isn't worth it anymore. And I don't really think the harvest regs are the problem, not even the liberal doe limits. I think it is the astronomical explosion in the number of hunters, combined with coyotes.

Areas vary but there is a large % that would agree with you. A large % in this case I would say is 40+%. We've aged, hunting isn't like it use to be (use to be more of a social event), $$$, and kids have more options for enjoyment. So, I think the boom of hunters is correcting itself. Personally, from my stand point I'm in total agreement with Ikillbux.

Now y’all don’t tell JBC the frat snowflake that he say deer are everywhere and y’all are just being doom and gloom lol.

Life is too short to be small !!
