I knew you were gonna say that, are you a member of an anarchist group if not you would probably be a good candidate for one. Just be required to take the number before taking the deer. You act like you want to live in a land of make believe where nothing is required of anyone to run a business or just live in civil society. It's not like they would have to do anything that would require them to spend any money. If writing down a number on a piece of paper is to hard for someone to do then quit. No diffrent than they are required to get a business liscence. You are required to have a hunting liscence, a drivers liscence. Maybe you would rather we just did away with all requirements for every thing. Didn't have any laws regulations for anything.
If you enjoy providing more of your life to help the government and "for the good of society!" then go ahead.
Anarchy is quite different than not wanting more governement intrusion in our lives.
You sound like a liberal. Do you want to pay more taxes? Enjoy having more restrictions or requirements placed on your freedoms?
By your standards, you wouldn't mind that every restaurant send in what you eat and when you eat it to the government so they can keep up with food consumption, fast-food vs. "sit-down" restaurants, meat vs. veggies, and so forth.
That would be a "for the good of society!" deal, right? Because health, obesity, better lifestyle choices, etc., should be something everyone needs to be concerned with. People who are fatass lardasses who don't exercise and eat badly may be a drain on society due to increased health costs and medical issues. Why the hell aren't we keeping up with what everyone eats and then doing more with regulations, limits and such on this public issue?
It's a society issue and public issue. Just like the "deer are for everyone" issue. Right? Yep, right. But everyone gets pissy and has a shitfit if anyone calls them a lazy fatass eating bad food.
Or maybe any place that sells booze -- bars, ABC stores, gas stations, grocery stores, whatever -- must report the name, purchase, amounts, etc., of all booze. Alcoholism is a huge problem in society. By keeping track of all booze purchases and WHO does it, then we could maybe make positive changes "for the good of society!" through all these private businesses helping the government.
Yes, let's go down this "anarchist" slipppery slope.
Or as it's more better known, liberalism.