Shot a buck on Redstone Arsenal last night. Had good blood on arrow, but not a lot on the ground. Looked like a clean pass through. Buck was at 25 yards and slightly quartering towards me. He ran about 30 yards and stopped. Stood there for at least 5 minutes and then eased off slowly. I only found 3 decent spots with blood, but nothing heavy. Lost all sign of blood at 50 yards. I waited an hour before trailing. Definitely didn't jump him. I looked for 2 hours in surrounding area. Game Warden said no tracking dogs allowed on RSA and it rained last night. I'm pretty much toast on finding that deer.

I probably rushed the shot. Had a little bit of buck fever and he was coming in hot. I grunted him to a stop in a good open lane. Its been a long season for me. Pretty sure it was a Big 8 I have been hunting for a month. Worked my azz off to get that shot. I'm really bummed out. Here are some pics. Let me know what you think about that shot...besides that it sucked.

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