Originally Posted by abolt300
Originally Posted by Fl_Cracker
Originally Posted by abolt300
Originally Posted by Fl_Cracker
^^^This^^^ I would secure my gun and go get my deer like I do whenever needs be . Never had issues but cant really do chit to you if you don't have your gun . This is an example of when it's better to ask for forgiveness then permission .

You shoot one that runs over onto my land, you can call me and ask permission and I will gladly meet you out there on the property line and help you look for your deer and even help you drag it out if we find it. You just take it upon yourself to just come on over onto my property and start walking around and I catch you, I'll hold you until the warden can get there and have you prosecuted for trespassing. I can absolutely do something to you even if you dont have your gun. It's better to pick up the phone and call. Quit giving FL people a bad rep.

Lol I was waiting on this . Let me explain something to you . I've never not one time hunting in southeast Alabama gone on to my neighbors property for anything including retrieving game . But I had Alabamans just in this season alone . Use my germinating food plots for a four wheeler drag strips . Got pics of locals cutting trails with a machete with his two kids and dog in tow . Had two ladies ride by me on their horses while I was in a stand . But I have never myself trespassed in Alabama not once after many years of hunting Bama ! I've never hunted a state where I was trespassed on more times then Alabama . So smoke on with your stop giving floridians a bad name BS . I did have a place in Georgia that the cod draggers liked that was close to the property line . Had to retrieve a few there but not once in Alabama ever . Frankly I don't give a hill of beans what you think about me you've never met me . But I am the guy you wished was your neighbor ! As long as your not one of those that gets jealous about a Floridian killing big deer in Bama .

I live in Florida. I own property in AL and lease additional property in AL. You were the one that said you'd just go get it. I even included your DA quote in my response. I'm willing to bet you're probably not killing too many "big" deer in AL but if by chance you are, congrats. I dont need any explanation from you, I could tell by that post you made that you dont have a clue what you are talking about. You can take your 60 posts and go find somewhere else to play. You also need to brush up on both property and trespassing laws in FL, GA and AL. It might end up keeping you out of trouble. Having a gun in your possession has nothing to do with whether or not you can be legally convicted for trespassing. Lastly, if you've got all that proof of trespassing on your place, and you know who they are, man up and go talk to the people doing it face to face. If that doesnt work, make some phone calls, get in touch with the sheriff and GWs, provide the pics to them and swear a warrant out on them if you know who it is. If you're there when it is happening, catch the people doing it and hold them until the law arrives and have them arrested. Everybody that owns or leases property has this problem at some point. I've had it in AL, my cousin in MS is fighting it right now, and my brother in GA has had issues before too. It's not state specific, it happens everywhere. There are a lot of available options to deal with it, it just takes some balls and effort and wont ever be solved by bitching about it on an internet forum. Have a nice day wink

And here we are again with you running off with your man pleaser telling me how to handle what's been handled . What county do you live in ? We can meet face to face ? I'll bring my 60 post !