Originally Posted by CNC
Originally Posted by poorcountrypreacher
.....And your sample size is gonna be real small, and it isn't random. .

Hold up now PCP…….Sample sizes don’t necessarily have to be huge to still be accurate. It depends on variance doesn’t it? From what I’m seeing so far…..there’s not a whole lot of variance in our hunters' repsonses…..

Well, the bigger the better on sample size with anything. But the real limiting factor on a survey like this is that it isn't random. Hunters that went only a few times and didn't shoot anything are gonna be less likely to be reading here, and far less likely to respond. And anyone who killed a bunch of deer may not want to say so on a public forum.

But don't think I am in any way trying to be critical; just pointing out that it won't be scientific. I did a survey in the turkey forum several years ago on the effect of chicken litter on turkey population. It was not scientific, but it did show a correlation of chicken litter and a declining turkey population. I guess it was a waste of time; Tyson's and other big poultry companies don't want such things to even be thought about, much less studied.

So good luck with it, and I look forward to the results. I will try to stay off your survey; I remember how hard it is to sort through all the responses.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.