It doesn't look like your deer are utilizing these plots much. The control cages are usually way ahead of the plots but it doesn't look like that in these pictures. Why?
Certainly a lot of clover blowing up early.
I’ve planted way more this year than the local deer can keep up with. All of this is connected and totals about 7 acres worth of planted area. The don’t utilize everything evenly. They hammer the areas where they feel more comfortable and only feed in some areas once the more comfortable zones get browsed down.. They basically start at the back end of the field and work their way forward. This pic is a few weeks old…….
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They only really started utilizing this front section toward the very end of the cold snaps. They are feeding in there a good bit though. Notice the ends of the blades eaten off. This pic was taken today. I’m very happy about the situation actually. It means I’ve planted enough acreage to pass that threshold where we have enough vegetative growth to keep up with what the deer want to browse.
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