Originally Posted by top cat
I was raised being in a church building every time the door was open. Was baptized 45 years ago. I do not attend as much as most folks claim I should. I've actually been told by more than one that I'm hell bound for not going. Book says gather together to praise the Lord. Doesn't say in a building. The building ia the body of Christ. Also been told that is up to the Lord. I firmly believe that.
I know folks who have been going to church 50 years but have never been baptized. Bible describes baptism as being emersed in water. Not sprinkled.
I try to live right. Pray daily. Help those in need if I can. Witness His greatness to folks almost each day.
Am I going to Hell. I pray not. Lord knows and I know him through his teachings.

Time for Stray to post a few pages.

Saying I heard many years ago. If the whole world knew what one dead man knew. And not talking about Jesus Christ.

I'm trying my best not to do that so much anymore.

"The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8

"Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.� Samuel Adams