Originally Posted by ford150man
Originally Posted by BPI

Also, this is just an opinion and I hope it doesn't tick anyone off. But if you can't find a good church within driving distance of your house in Alabama. YOU are most likely the problem.

Don't mean to tick you off either, as this isn't directed at you since I don't know you, but that's another one of a "good" church goers favorite crutch too.

You haven't in the least man. Don't worry about it. I hate what has happened to you. It's wrong and happens to people all the time. I don't pretend to know what you've gone through but I can sympathize. You wouldn't believe what I've seen by some church members. Notice I said church members and not Christians. I would encourage you in the fact that Jesus loves you and want's you to have joy and a place to worship. Don't give up. Jesus didn't give up on us and I know that I have done Him wrong more times than I can probably count. If you would like to go to church with me to see that they aren't all the way some are, then p.m. me ... I would love to meet you.