Originally Posted by biscuit1979
Originally Posted by AU7MM08
Originally Posted by hunterbuck
Don't get me wrong...wife and I use a credit card for nearly every purchase we make.

We simply pay off the balance every week or so and rake in the rewards.

Winner Winner Winner.
If the balance is being routinely paid off whether that's weekly or monthly, why would I turn down "free" money?
Late last year I got a Wells Fargo card, spend $1000 & get a $200 sign up bonus. Ya sure sign me up. I like $200 of money I don't have to work for and that's tax-free.

I have a buddy at work that pays for everything, and I mean everything, with a BassPro credit card. For every dollar he spends he gets like 3-5% store credit. He pays the card off at the end of the month to keep from paying any interest.

I am not sure how many months it took him to get enough store credit saved up, but last year he cashed the credit in for 3 different glocks. Guns for free sounds awesome to me.
if anyone thinks that they have found a way to beat credit card companies then you are fooling yourself, it has been said by financial counselors that people tend to spend more and buy things that they really didn’t need when paying with a cc instead of pulling cash out and paying for it up front. Eventually folks that put everything on a cc will get caught where they can’t pay it off, it has happened to everyone I know that has more than 1 person using the card

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