I hate it for the girl that lost her life and the young man that has to deal with it for the rest of his life both of them made piss poor decisions that day. I heard her dad is making a big stink about it and the charges towards him, it what I heard and no nothing about it or if there's any truth to it. I know her dad is the one that was caught with close to 100 stolen trailers I cullman a few years back and didn't serve but a few days in prison of his 20 something year sentence because he needed to stay out to run his business along with some other bulldoodoo story he gave. If he feels so stromgly about pushing the "fair card" he should be stuck back in prison or show the young man some slack like he he received. Like i said i hate that the young girl lost her life but accidents can be avoided like this one. If either would have been wearing the seatbelt/harness it would have been avoided the same accident could have happened if they were intoxicated or sober