Originally Posted by Skinny
Dang at the jealousy here on this thread.
Ya'll should be ashamed of yourselves.
Hawkins was blessed with brilliance, the devil struck him with illness, and he persevered and taught us the excellence and mechanics of God's creation which we use in our tools today, and ya'll still cuss him. Shame on ya'll.

Nobody is downplaying Hawkin’s intelligence, I think the point of all this is Hawkins went out of his way to discredit the existence of God. Totally contrary to the belief of the Bible Belt.
As for “the devil struck him with illness”, is it coincidence that he was struck with probably the most debilitating disease for one of the longest period of time? ALS is almost always a short term disease, have you ever heard of anybody that lived for as long as he did with ALS? I havent. I am nowhere near an intelligent person, but I cant help but believe all this is tied together.

Lone Watie: I'm glad you stopped me when you did. I might have killed her