Originally Posted by jono23
Originally Posted by Stob
Originally Posted by leroycnbucks
Originally Posted by jallencrockett
Cant believe none of you guys mentioned WAHOO. Typically a captain will only get a cut off two fish and that's Cobia and Wahoo. The hawaiian word for Wahoo is ONO. It literally translates to TASTE REALLY GOOD. Let's go ahead and add Pompano while were at it.

[Linked Image]

It damn sure is good eatin! Fun to catch too!

I caught this ones twin in St. Lucia and never had a bite.
The Capt./boat kept every morsel. Never been able to try it.

Let me say I think Mangrove snapper is one of the best.

How does that work? Do they just get to keep what they want?

When I went to Hawaii I wanted to fish. Had a trip lined up but only catch was they kept all fish. They sale them to fish house.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

My phone screen does not always work right, usually a lot of misspelled words....

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