I had heard a rumor initially that he was shot while still in his stand but later heard, from what I deem to be a fairly reliable source, that he had gotten down out of his stand and in some manner, either run into the group of 4-5 poachers, while they were poaching, or actually found and confronted them. What actually happened between them at that point and how he ended up shot is unknown. As a result of the encounter, Shane was shot in the head, neck/shoulder/upper torso area with buckshot but somehow made it back to his truck or at least close to his truck where he was found by another man that he was hunting with, and his stepson, which would tie pretty much 100% with Hogwild's description above. I also heard from a second uncorroborated source, that, when he was found, he was still alive but died at the scene. It could be that he provided a description of his shooter prior to his passing.

WEW3006, any of this matching up to the version of the story you heard?