Originally Posted by poorcountrypreacher
Originally Posted by 2Dogs
It'll be punishment for not using GC.

Chuckie was always gonna punish hunters for not making GC a big success. The irony will be that the only ones affected by whatever he does will be the few of us who actually follow his regulations. Everyone else will carry on as always.

It's kinda like a preacher who fusses at the church because attendance is down. The only people who hear his rants are the ones who are still coming. I've observed that the few still coming will often quit when that starts happening.

What’s sad is that your exactly right. I’m sure all of us on here know someone that killed a turkey this year and did not report it and it’s about dang near impossible to do anything about it. What kills me is you’ll here these same people gripe about declining turkey numbers but they don’t want to do their small part to try and fix it. I think they would have been better off requiring everyone to mail in their hunting license and the penalty if it’s not there on a certain date is you don’t hunt the next year. I know for fact a lot of older hunters aren’t going to fool with calling in or getting on the internet to report a bird but if the penalty gets stiffer maybe more people would do it. It still wouldn’t keep people from sending in a blank harvest report but I think most would end up filling it out before they mailed it.

As far as dropping the limit and if they do, I’d rather see them go 4 Toms no jakes than just 3 of any.