I can't understand all the kindness you guys want to give the left. They want to destroy this County, what about you children's future. Your grandkids. Yep, I hate them. They are evil, I find it sickening you are willing to stand back and watch them destroy a way of life. I'm not surprised by anything the powder puff fo Cali thinks or says. Look at the state of California, what liberals have done thee. Do you want that for your family? People and businesses are leaving in droves. The only problem is they want to tun the est of the County into the same cap they left. Wake up, love and kisses ain't gonna defeat the liberal left. Consider your children's futures. Too many girly men hee now,unwilling to make a stand for whats right. You cry about the way of life lost after the civil war, I assure you that was nothing to what they have planned now. Just 5 years ago you would not have believed the things that are considered the norm in this County now.