His was one of my favorite shows on TV because it was always about traveling the world, learning the history and culture of the place, exploring and meeting people and that is my favorite thing to do in life. I really liked how he would always dig down deep with the history and culture and politics of a place while doing the food part of the show. I especially liked his ventures into the countries of the Former Soviet Union.
Yeah he was a liberal, but he pretty much kept that to himself on his show.
He will be missed. He is not replaceable.
Side note: all these rich and famous people seem to have a high rate of suicide, and yes, I never hear of any of them being conservative Christian types. Maybe they drive themselves crazy with their rebellion and Satan takes advantage of that and eggs them on to kill themselves?
Last edited by WmHunter; 06/08/1803:36 PM.
"The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson
" Chuck Sykes is a dictator control freak like Vladimir Putin " WmHunter