Some of y’all old phucks need to get a shot of ass sometime. Y’all are wound too freaking tight. Speaking to you skinny, outback and a host of others. It’s like y’all are mad at the world because your either old, broke as hell, no puss, what is it with you people that makes you so miserable?? dude. ..Um ,....see ya Id guess.
Skinny owns the place , Outback and a "few others" are mods. But..good luck!
The different colored names shows you who is what around here.
Actually they both are ok guys, though maybe opinionated! They sure arent afraid to let folks know where they stand, and I respect that in people. Call me crazy!
Pretty sure they arent Broke, or as miserable as you think.
But thats your opinion !
Again, good luck.
Last edited by outdoorobsession; 06/08/1807:40 PM.