Originally Posted by Skinny
He was not anti-gun, he was anti-violence and crony capitalism disguised as conservative principals. He was for honest capitalism and hated seeing common regular folk getting stepped on. He was liberal by typical media driven standards but overall I think he was more middle ground or maybe middle left.

Same here, he exposed a lot of hypocrisy of the Elitist Liberals, its one of the reasons I enjoyed his show.

Besides everyone wanted to be that cool and travel, meet and eat that food with the people he rubbed elbows with.

The thing that Celebrities deaths do, it raises awareness but at the same time increase suicides by fans. Look at the music industry and Bourdain roamed those circles.
Mental health is seriously underfunded, I keep thinking these deaths will trigger a better public response but it always subsides after a few days of talking.

Some people carry the desire to kill themselves sometimes for years, even planning it for that long. There is no perfect answer since there is so many variables to each situation. I do believe there is an issue with some meds, it has been mentioned but I know of cases where people that one would never consider suicide suddenly go off the rail and do it. Those that are serious about suicide rarely exhibit signs.

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan