Its sad how the media covers these situations. I hate it for the guys family but I hate it a lot worse for the families of our troops that have to deal with the things they do. It’s not fair that’s for sure.

Originally Posted by burbank
Originally Posted by Hayzeus
Originally Posted by doekiller
Where are the comments about the thousands of people who kill them selves every every year and are not famous? I don’t see post on here weekly for the soldiers who came home with PTSD and kill themselves. I feel for these famous people’s families, like I would anyone else. But, the news coverage sickens me.

It's estimated that 22 veterans commit suicide every day. Not much national news about that.

That is where I am at on this. I won’t dance on his grave, but I am not going to make a big deal of it either. Lots of folks are dying and we never hear about it.