Clem, those numbers while I'm sure accurate are a little misleading. North Dakota due to its low population might not take much for a 58% increase. I would think suicides/100,000 people would be more comparing apple's to apples.
If you find me hanging or burned to death, you can sure bet i didn't do it to myself!
I believe they're based on per 100,000.
If so, that puts a lot more meaning to it. Seems like I remember something about Seattle have the most of major cities.
Re: Anthony Bourdain Dead - suicide
[Re: GomerPyle]
#2502631 06/08/1808:56 PM06/08/1808:56 PM
juice, be careful about messing with snakes around here.
"Never Trust Government" -- Smart people. "The Great thing we should Fear and the Weird Thing we Trust is Elon Musk" -- Me "You can be broke but you cant be poor." -- Ruthie-May Webster
Re: Anthony Bourdain Dead - suicide
[Re: centralala]
#2502646 06/08/1809:03 PM06/08/1809:03 PM
Clem, those numbers while I'm sure accurate are a little misleading. North Dakota due to its low population might not take much for a 58% increase. I would think suicides/100,000 people would be more comparing apple's to apples.
If you find me hanging or burned to death, you can sure bet i didn't do it to myself!
I believe they're based on per 100,000.
If so, that puts a lot more meaning to it. Seems like I remember something about Seattle have the most of major cities.
Washington, in general: In Washington state, the rise in suicides was more modest, increasing 7 percent between 1999 and 2014, according to CDC figures. In 1999, the rate was 14.2 cases per 100,000 people, with 819 suicides reported that year. By 2014, it had jumped to 15.2 cases per 100,000, with 1,119 suicides reported.
Interesting in that story that Phoenix and Mesa are among the Top 15 and have separate stats (because they're separate cities), but both are part of the same metro area. And Tucson is in the list, too.
"Hunting Politics are stupid!" - Farm Hunter
"Bible says you shouldn't put sugar in your cornbread." Dustin, 2013
"Best I can figure 97.365% of the general public is a paint chip eating, mouth breathing, certified dumbass." BCLC, 2020
Re: Anthony Bourdain Dead - suicide
[Re: juice]
#2502649 06/08/1809:05 PM06/08/1809:05 PM
So he can call me a dipshit dumbass but I can’t talk like that to him? Explain to me how that works and exactly why I should give a rats ass what he likes?
Originally Posted by Skinny
juice, be careful about messing with snakes around here.
I think you just got about all the explanation you are gonna get and about all that you need.
Patton's European Mounts Professional Quality Skull & Antler Taxidermy Since 1998
Re: Anthony Bourdain Dead - suicide
[Re: GomerPyle]
#2502683 06/08/1809:24 PM06/08/1809:24 PM
Dag um u can miss a lot in a couple hours here lol...i did have a friend that told his mom he was gonna kill himself on mothers day...well a year later he did..i think it's something that is either in u or not but selfish and cowardly if so..he was 16 and could have any gal he wanted...just messed up psychology on a level I never saw or knew about
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Ben Franklin
Re: Anthony Bourdain Dead - suicide
[Re: GomerPyle]
#2502692 06/08/1809:35 PM06/08/1809:35 PM
I think that he was rather quickly red pilling himself after the Wienstein story broke (since his GF was one of the victims), and was not a great fan of Hillary. That may have been why he "killed" himself.
From his tweets: And I have to say, Hillary's interview with Fareed Zakaria was shameful in its deflection and its disingenuousness. know what Hillary Clinton is NOT? She's not stupid. Or unsophisticated about the world. The Weinstein stories had been out there for years
Talking about his current girlfriend & that the Clintons has sent goons to threaten them: My connection to a victim was known to her abuser--who was already pressuring and terrorizing her