Funny nail gun story this weekend...

So Saturday morning Mrs. Irish is cooking breakfast and I'm measuring, cutting and nailing up shiplap. Well, my 15 gauge nailer started to act up. It was jamming, not retracting the piston, etc... So thinking the worst I thought, "Well, the damn gun is going out." Instead of driving all the way to Lowes and buying another, which would have been at least an hour and a half round trip, I decide to take the gun apart and see if I could find the trouble. I took it apart made sure it was all cleaned and then oiled it all really good, but it would only work intermittently, So I take it apart again and tried again.

By this time I'm about 45 minutes into this thing and getting more and more pissed and frustrated. Then after reassembling it for the second time, it occurs to me... I unplugged the compressor out by the power pole so we could run the A/C in the mini-cabin the night before. So I go out, plug in the air compressor, which immediately kicks on and by the time I get back upstairs to the nail gun, now that it actually has air pressure, is working perfectly again. So that's my dumbass nail gun story for the weekend.

We still managed to get the other upstairs bedroom finished. I'm convinced as soon as we get out of the upstairs things will really start moving. These high ceilings and all the bevel cuts are really slowing things down and we are going through shiplap like poop through a goose.

Pics of the 2nd upstairs bedroom with all the shiplap installed.

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The thing about upstairs is the little closets with the high ceilings create there weird unusual places in the tops of the closets. So we decided to add another door in the tops of the closets and I am going to build a nice wooden "library" ladder that we hang on the wall upstairs so we can access these storage areas.

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